Want to learn about key person insurance, discover the essential questions you should ask your insurance agent and more? That’s exactly what this space is for. We invite you to pull up a comfy chair and dive in!
How To Decide Between Whole Life vs. Term Life Insurance
If the distinction between whole life insurance (also called “permanent” life insurance) and term life insurance seems a little hazy, you’re not alone. Nearly half of Americans with one of the two policies aren’t exactly sure, themselves.
Getting the Coverage You Need: Essential Questions to Ask Your Insurance Agent
The world of life insurance can be daunting to consumers. Often insurance policies cover pages of information leading to confusion and uncertainty. There are, however, important questions you should be asking agents when looking for an insurance policy.
Can You Use Life Insurance for Retirement?
You likely know that when you’re planning for retirement, many experts recommend that you diversify your portfolio. But did you know that you can use life insurance as one of your options to help you build your nest egg? If the life insurance policy accumulates cash value, then you can later withdraw those funds.
What Is Key Person Insurance and How Can It Help Your Business?
Key person insurance, sometimes referred to as key man insurance or even business life insurance, is a life insurance policy taken out on “key” people within a company. The business is the one that pays the policy premiums and is also the beneficiary of the policy.
Whole Life vs. IUL Insurance: A Comparison
Individuals shopping for life insurance have an array of choices, ranging from inexpensive term life insurance to more comprehensive permanent life insurance policies. There are two popular options when it comes to permanent life insurance policies: whole life insurance and indexed universal life insurance (IUL).